10 English Bluebell Bulbs - Hyacinthoides Non-scripta

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Now: $45.98
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Famed English Bluebells have created shimmering azure woodlands throughout the British Isles since as early as 1580. This slightly fragrant, prized naturalizer has strappy foliage and pendant, bell-shaped, deep violet-blue flowers on just one side of its stem, causing each flowering raceme to arch gracefully. Hyacinthoides non-scripta prefers a bit of light sulb offsets (baby bulbs on the sides of the mother bulb you’ve planted) and self-sowing seed. Hyacinthoides non-scripta may be distinguished from its cousin, Hyacinthoides hispanica Excelsior, by its deeper violet-blue color, its soft fragrance and the fact that its florets are borne on just the one side of its arching stem. It is also slightly less hardy: it is good from horticultural zones 5 through 7 (or 8 with protection), while H. hispanica Excelsior thrives from horticultural zone 3 through 8. You’ll need about nine bulbs per square foot. (Square footage is determined multiplying the planting site’s length times its width.) In woodland settings, you can also scatter-plant the bulbs about for a more natural look.